Upcoming events.


Christmas Champagne Breakfast

Join us in celebrating Christmas 2024!

Our guest speaker is Michelle Blakeley who set up “My Home” for homeless people who were couch surfing or sleeping in their cars, through no fault of their own.

The “My Home” project is an immediate response to provide housing for homeless people or those at risk of homelessness. We use a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model which brings together Government, Church, Private Sector and Community Housing Providers (CHP) to share the responsibility of creating housing for homeless people.

The “My Home” project is live. As long as the Government or other landowners provide us with land, they will continue to build houses across Western Australia.

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Rotary International Convention - Singapore
to 29 May

Rotary International Convention - Singapore

NOW is the time to book your place at the RI Convention in Singapore!

A great line up of speakers in the most vibrant and exciting cosmopolitan city of the world. 

All RI events take place at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre or National Stadium unless otherwise indicated.

This year's goal is to restore hope — "to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves."

Visit https://rotarysingapore2024.org/or book at convention.rotary.org to secure your place.

Click on this link to watch the video to see what is in store!

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Club Birthday

Club Birthday

Happy birthday to the Rotary Club of Mill Point on their 38 years of ‘Service Above Self”

Since 1986 RCMP has grown steadily with dedicated and committed members who contribute time and resources to local, national and international communities.

This year we celebrate 38 years of '“service above self”, ensuring everything we do meets the four way test criteria:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

We are proud to say YES, and we will continue to serve our communities meeting the criteria by which Rotary actions and standards are judged.

We will celebrate with a party on Friday 15 March 6pm - 9pm at 73 Mill Point Road, (entrance on Stone Street).

RSVP vlawrance17@gmail.com before 13 March

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Christmas Champagne Breakfast

Everyone is welcome to join us for our Christmas Champagne Breakfast on Friday 15 December at the Royal Perth Golf Club.

Booking is essential for catering purposes so please contact marghyatt1@gmail.com to secure your place.

Full breakfast and a glass of bubbly to celebrate the festive season with great guest speaker Milly Formby, a young zoologist whose specialty and passion is migratory shorebirds. To emulate their long distance migratory flights, Milly decided to circumnavigate Australia in a Microlight aircraft. But first she had to learn to fly…have a Microlight built…raise funds…organise a support team and logistics. Her presentation and PowerPoint about her recently completed journey, “Wing Threads”, is just fascinating. She is a quiet young “slip of a lass” but very determined. As has been said of Milly “she doesn’t see obstacles, only challenges….”

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Themed Music Night

Themed Music Night

Each year we hold a themed music night and this year was no exception because it was “RockNRoll” night! We danced away to the sound of “Memphis Rockers” at the best venue in town - the Senior Citizens hall (back of Angelo Street, South Perth). A good time was had by all as can be seen in the photos!

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Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

A number of members and partners volunteer to act as hosts for an evening meal. Many other members and partners attend as guests, but do not know where they are going to or who they will share the meal with - until the last hour or so! Go to new places, meet new people, try new foods, sample new wines - and all with members of your own club! Join the fun and surprises when your host and fellow guests get together for an evening of fun, fellowship, food and tall tales!

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Home for Dinner

Home for Dinner

Members and their friends/spouses go to Ronald McDonald House in Nedlands twice a year to prepare and cook dinner for parents of children who are undergoing treatment at Perth Childrens’ Hospital. They assist the chef and learn new skills along the way. Parents are very grateful to have a hot meal made for them and not have to visit the fast food chains. The children get to meet us all and enjoy our company.

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Rotary WA Launch

We are one!

Rotary in Western Australia consisted of two Districts - D9465 and D9455, and on July 1 2023, the two districts became one - D9423 where there are now 87 Rotary Clubs doing good in their local, national and international communities.

District Governor (DG) Ineke Oliver leads the District team with District Governor Elect (DGE) Patricia Schraven. Between them they manage the new District, liaise with all the Rotary clubs through the Assistant Governors (AGs) and ensure Rotary ethics, transparency and accountability are met in all regards.

The launch of Rotary WA was held at Government House and it was a party not to miss with Rotarians present from the whole state of WA.

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Handover Night

Handover Night

The end of the financial year is the same as the end of the Rotary year and time for the current president to handover to the president-elect. ”Starstruck” was the theme for the 2022-2023 handover night and attending were several Blues Brothers, along with Groucho Marx, Mae West, Maverick Top Gun, Barbie, Jason Statham and Bruce Willis! Great fun was had by all, as well as a scrumptious dinner!

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